Respect. What exactly is respect?
Just the other day, my class was reprimanded by this teacher for our misbehavior. Pretty much so, I had no takeaways from her bawl except for this one sentence that she said.
"All of you should start respecting me, and I will give you double the respect you gave me."
Upon hearing that line, I was ranting in my head on how narrow-minded and self-centered one can be.
At least once in our lifetime, we would hear someone say "Respect is to be earned". I do not know your thoughts on it, but I can't help but to agree with that sentence. Respect is earned from our thoughts and actions, from the way we reach out to people, from the way we carry out ourselves. One must give value and worth to all the little little things in life, that we earn that respect we have always longed for. We act in ways which are respectful, and at the same time feel respected. Respect, works like a boomerang.
Food for thought, questioning ourselves ... Why is it that some people are able to gain more respect than the others?
It is funny how the whole earning of respect system has turned into a demanding for respect in modern societies. Perhaps pride may be the answer as to why not many would take the first step and show respect - They feel that they deserve the respect more than you deserve it. But respect being respect, humans being humans, we are all on equal footing. Doesn't mean that one is of higher authority, that they deserve more respect than one sweeping the roads. It's all the same.
That brings me to another point whereby how much respect is to be given to a person. Of course, respect by itself is uncountable. So let's use a scale from 0 - 10 to help us out.
I feel that respect shown to others should be at a 10, unless that someone is placed in a negative light in your book of records. And the respect given back should be at a 10. There is no such thing as giving you double the respect you gave to him/her. The base line here is easy - It's either you respect, or you don't.
Sigh, how much the world has changed.
♥ 5:38 AM