You know when I feel like a super-star? It's when I step out of the elevator at the lobby, only to find many people crowding at the entrance of the elevator waiting to go in, staring at me while I slowly make my grand exit. It's like WOW! I'll be on everyone's mind ... Cursing and swearing at me for moving at such a slow pace. But hey, I'm just enjoying the attention! How many times do you get such attention from strangers!
On the side-note, that is not what I wanted to talk about. Events from the past few days have made me realized how narrow minded many can be. I haven't got a clue what is going on in the minds of these people, but they try all means and ways to attract the attention of others by their words and actions. (I'll give examples below.) They think the world of themselves, only to realize that they are just that common one out of the billions and perhaps, the majority (99.99%) of the world would not be a different place without them.
Those who know me know that I am definitely not a fan of 'bitching'. I never liked to bad-mouth others, unless that idiot really got on my nerves. It's indeed a sight not to be missed, to see others allowing their lives to revolve around gossips which may not even be true. It's indeed a sight not to be missed, to see how others create their own drama serials that are totally absurd. And they go yak, yak, yak-ing away, telling their bedtime stories. I mean, yes, I do agree that gossips brings people together, perhaps allowing a common topic to spark amongst them. But don't these people ever get sick of all the catching up to do? In addition, the gossips are so not up-to-date. Things that happened a week ago, is still a gossip today. Oh yes, and if gossips revolves around you, don't get pissed. Look on the bright side, your life is more interesting than these people - They're just talking about you to curb their jealousy.
And there's this other group of people that pisses me off really badly - Those who mood swings. The slightest remarks would turn their face black and would leave the conversation whenever possible. They expect everyone to give in to them, and be like how they are and start speaking without tact. The next thing you know when you return home, a whole chunk of subliminal status updates and blog posts complaining about how poor thing they really are. And the following few days status updates on how disappointed and upset they really feel about blah blah blah. Cinderella much? But seriously, even if you're pissed, the rest of the people around you would not even bother about you unless he/she is your really really really close friend. For me, I hardly ever mood swing because I feel that it is unfair to the rest of the people who must withstand my arrogance and cocky-ness when they did nothing wrong. I guess not many people would think that way.
There are also people who are very judgmental towards others in terms of the way they look, dress and behave and name a whole lots of defects on you, as if they're perfect .. And the list of examples continues.
I guess that narrow minded is just the way I should call these people. I just can't be bothered. They look at things on the surface, and not the big picture. Nobody is obliged to give in to another, yet alone think that the world revolves around you. Many fail to see that the world is such a beautiful place, that it is much more than just gossips, judgments, throwing tantrum ... etc. I think we should learn to accept things as they come and go, to have an opened mind.