Someone help me pleaseee! I'm H-O-M-E-S-I-C-K!
No no, not sick of being at home. I'm just homesick. It's like ... The sudden feeling of missing home, the noise and everything that consists of a home. The ironic thing is that, I am at home now! Oh wow! I'm at home but I miss home.
I think it's because I haven't had home cooked food for a long long long time. Probably like, more than a week?! And I'm missing home cooked food badly. Yes, I know, more than a week is reallyyyy long for me already. I wonder how one can eat out all the time! Mum has been too busy to cook for me, and I can't cook a decent meal without help. And who cooks for themselves to eat and feels satisfied? It should be the other way around like when you cook for others to eat, and they feel satisfied, you feed good. Right? That's what chefs are for.
So ... Who volunteers to cook for me? A decent meal, at least. Wait, and I am really picky with my food. No brinjal (eggplant), no bitter-gourd, no capiscum, no peas, no baked beans, no canned food, no, instant noodles, no oily food, no fried fish, no food with a lot of spices ... And the list continues. HAHAH. Tsk, I know that no one wants to cook for me now!
But hey, I just want simple dishes okay! A soup and rice would be enough to make me happy! ;D
C-O-M-F-O-R-T F-O-O-D!
I'll be away from the 16th June to the 23rd June. So would remain pretty un-contactable for those few days. But my cell would be on if there's anything important.
Miss me!
♥ 9:57 PM
GAHHH! I apologize for neglecting this blog because there's just so many things at hand for me to complete. I wished I had more time. So perhaps, this would be a rather quick post.
I don't know if it's just me, or is it that many people are running short of cash. Not enough money to pay rent, not enough money to pay their bills, not enough money to even grab a bite! Of course, under situations like this, they have got no choice but to rely on the help of others, going around borrowing money. I wanted to use the word 'begging for' instead of 'borrowing' but I guess not to that extent, yet. Without doubt, many 'friends' reject to offer their help and choose to ignore. I guess it's just human nature that people care about themselves more than any other things, they do not want themselves to be at a disadvantage.
Thinking about it, I guess it all buoys down to financial planning and saving enough for rainy days. Perhaps to some, $10 may not be a lot. But to others, $10 is a great deal. It is only when we know how to appreciate the value of money, no matter how small, that we grow rich.
Seeing how these people around me manage and pull themselves up, I told myself to never to have to go around begging others or be their dog just to get a favor from them. My dignity is more important.
Anyway, here's something fun to watch!
♥ 8:03 AM