Someone once told me - "
There is a purpose behind our every action". How true. Just like the simple action of waking up in the morning, there is a purpose behind it. Probably to spend the day doing what interest you, or to even spend quality time with yourself.
But I guess, as humans, many of us lose that true purpose along the way. We are no longer as genuine as we were supposed to be. We get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, that we forgot what life actually meant to us. Many of us turn self-centered, living life just to benefit ourselves. We follow others blindly, not knowing how each and every action matter to us, and others around us. We life our lives, wanting to show others that we are better off than them, just wanting to prove something within us. Comparison and showing off is just what most would do. I guess we could only blame it on human nature.
Many things have been happening around me that has got me thinking on what was our true purpose in life. Let me give you a few examples.
1. At home - Helping your parents with the household chores.
Nobody likes doing housework, probably with a few exceptions here and there. But when we do help our parents out with the household chores, do we do it because we genuinely want to lessen our parents load? Or do we do it, in order to get our pocket money?
2. In school/At work - Doing a given task.
When given a task to do, how many of us would actually do it because we want to better improve ourselves? Or do we do it to please our teachers/bosses? Do we get the salary to let our families have a better life, or do we use it and splurge on ourselves?
3. In a public area - Giving up your seat to someone who needs it more.
Priority seats, may be what you call them. How many of us give up our seat to an elderly or pregnant lady because we feel that they need that seat more than us, or do we give up our seat because everyone is staring at us? Or do we do it for the praises from others?
3. Relationships - Getting into a relationship.
Everyone around me seems to be getting into relationships. But do they get into a relationship because all their peers are doing so, or is it that the two really have got a special type of attraction going in between them? Do they show their affection for each other in front of others to show others how close they are, or do they do it to express their fondness for each other?
I don't know if you agree to the above stated, but that is what I actually feel. I know, I put a lot of emotions into the above. Perhaps you may think that I have a mindset of the older generation, and that it's a whole new world now. But I still am firm on my belief on 'Doing things with your heart' and 'Putting others before self'. I mean, the world doesn't revolve around me alone, but also the people around me.
I am not too sure of what I am saying, because I just jumbled up my chain of thoughts. But I hope what you get the message that I am trying to send out through this post.