As one experiences awareness, one by one the thoughts unravel and very slowly one begins to understand the whole drama played out by the complexities of the mind.
Emotions, as defined, are conscious mental reactions subjectively experienced as strong feeling and is usually directed towards a specific object and typically accompanied by physiological and behavioral changes in the body.
As human beings, each and every one of us undergo different emotions. There are definitely points in our lives where we are faced with negative thoughts and terrible feelings, and vice versa. But to me, what matters most is about how we handle ourselves when these emotions come flowing through.
For all I care, many out there have been calling me a 'Fake' because I hardly show my emotions besides me being all crazy and happy. Only close friends have seen the more emotional side of me, but just that handful of them. Many think that I'm a happy-go-lucky person, but that is not true. I'm short-fused.
Of course, I would share my happiness with the people around me. I would want to tell my story so that many would be proud of me, and feel happy for me. But of course, there is a limit to it else I would irritate the hell out of many people.
But when it comes to anger or sadness, I find that it is important for me to not throw my temper around and not to mood swing. That is because it is unfair to those who never did offended me in any way. Let's think about it - Your boss comes in to the office putting on a black face and starts ordering you to do things and in the end scolds you for doing it or when his anger is vented on you because of an incident... When you did nothing wrong. How does that feel? Unfair isn't it?
Perhaps you may think that emotions are natural and it is only right that we show it and also that my above paragraph is crap. But again, many said to treat others the way you want to be treated. So if you want others to not throw their emotions at you and be nice to you, take the first step first which is to be nice to them.
I always believe in one thing - "Control your emotions and never let them control you". We each have a mind that was created to allow us to control our actions and reactions. I never did ask you to forget about your emotions, but to take charge of them. That is what would make us a better person.
(I have no idea if I got my message across in this post, but I hope I did.)
Call me a 'Fake'. There are fake abalones, fake branded goods, fake nose ... Fake everything! In this day and context, what's real?