Oh! ... This is my first post of 2010!
I apologize for my overdue absence as life has been pretty hectic and jam packed with activities over the past 2 weeks. Of course, I too was lazy to blog as it pretty time consuming on my part - I take quite a while to think about how I want to express what is on my mind into words. I bet many of you missed me!
So ... It was an order from Mum to have me take over the kitchen for a day last week. She insisted that I woke up early in the morning to go marketing alone for the ingredients that I would use to cook dinner and that I was not allowed to use any instant food or canned food. She wanted me to cook a soup, a fish, a meat and of course, vegetables.
To many, this may be a simple task. But I have never ever stepped into the kitchen once to cook a proper meal. At most, I would just be helping Mum with the washing of vegetables and that is about all. I never did anything more than that. I only step into the kitchen to rummage the cabinet or refrigerator for tidbits to munch on.
When I was still young, I remembered being afraid of using the knife in fear that I might cut myself because the knives in my house are pretty sharp. So I would instead use a butter knife to cut. Same with fire, I used boiling water to cook my egg and instant noodles. Okay, I'll give you 5 seconds to laugh.
Knowing that I am such a unskilled 'chef', I immediately rejected the idea of me taking over dinner. I was afraid to injure myself while using the knife and I did not want to whip up a inedible meal for my family. But, I had no choice.
I woke up early and went to the market to shop for groceries. Since young, I never liked the wet market. It is crowded, smells weird and the most annoying thing of all is that Aunties would start cutting your queue and start pushing you all over the area. Speaking about them, I loved it when the stall owners call me "Ah Girl" while the rest of the people get called "Auntie". That's besides the point. So I bought the stuff that I needed, went home to rest a while.
I started my preparation for dinner in the evening. It was really tough because I did not know what to do and I do not want to overcook any food, especially the fish. You should know how I dislike overcooked food because of the texture. I soon got the hang of it and this are my end products!
Ox Tail Soup with Reddish (A little too oily though from the fats of the Ox Tail)
Beef Shin in Black SauceVegetables in Oyster Sauce
(I overcooked it slightly so I positioned it nicely to make up for it)
Steamed Fish with Soy Sauce
(It is not overcooked)
Although simple, my parents had the meal and they rated me 75/100 which gives me an A1! I guess that rating is not too bad for my first time cooking, without any instructions and help. I think I would rate myself 120/100 because I thought I did it totally well! JESSICA FTW!
I guess it was really a cool experience for me in the kitchen. And .. Who wants to hire me as a chef now!