I was out this evening, to watch 2012 with my classmates. It was a hit, I tell you!
(YOU GUYS RAWK! I LOVE YOU GUYSSS! ;DDDD)It was more of a new experience for me than anything else. It was the first time I watched a movie in Singapore where the audience would really clap and cheer when a
WIN scene was being acted out. The applause just changes the whole atmosphere of the show. And of course, we went for the 9 p.m show and it was the first time I reached home at 12+ a.m, on my own. I would usually reach home by 10 p.m if I was out with my friends.
(I thought Mum would scold me but she did not, she just nagged at me to brush my teeth. ;DDDDD)
I am not too sure about you, but to me, 2012 was just a reflection of human beings.
2012 has got me thinking, if ever it happens that the world is said to come to and end ...
1. How many of us would actually go and grab each and every opportunity to live? Or would we just stay there, hoping for a miracle to happen?I know I belong to the first category of people, those who would open every door in search for just a chance to survive. Perhaps it is just me. I treasure life. I want to grow up, seeing the world change, exposing myself to new experiences and challenges that come my way. I want to be able to have that change in perspective towards nature and the environment when I grow up.
It is just like when I was young, I use to dislike the fields a lot because the soil and wet grass makes my shoes muddy and creepy crawlies make me jitter. But as times goes by, I somehow managed took a step back and look at things in the wider picture. I am not someone who is really open about my emotions, I usually bottle them up. It happened this year, when I was really tired about everything that was going in my life and while walking, my legs somehow brought me to this open field where there was not a single soul. I sat down all by myself, and started looking at the green grass. I ran my fingers through them, took a deep breath and decided to lie down, close my eyes and just enjoy the serenity of nature. Though I still ended up dirty and muddy all over, at least it has allowed me to clear my thoughts and pull through all the difficult times.
You may say that searching for the chance to live on is tough and unpredictable. Maybe there's only 0.01% chance of survival. But that 0.01% is still a glimpse of hope. We would never know what would happen if we try, but we would know what would happen if we do not try.
2. How many of us would be that selfless, to give up our lives for our loved ones?If you ask me this question now, I seriously do not know how to answer it.
It is just like how I am willing to give up my life for my family to live, but at the same time, I am not willing to do so as I feel that there is still many things that I have not done like living to 100 years old. Not forgetting, the fear of death because you would never know what is planned in your life after you die. Why can't everyone just live forever? HAHA.
Yes, you can say that I am selfish and only think about myself. But .. What would you do if you were placed in that position? I guess it is a hard choice unless you are very very very filial and is willing to do anything for your parents. But that's not in my case maybe because I have not learnt how to love someone fully, and I would still place self before others most of the time. But no matter what, for sure I know something, that my parents are willing to give up their lives, for my brother and I to live ours. Perhaps when I grow up and have my own family, that I would learn to be as selfless as my parents.
3. How many of us are able to leave this world saying that "I have lived my life to the fullest."?I admit that I am not able to. There are points in my life where I act rashly, and hurt the people around me. There are points in my life where I let opportunities slip past me, and hoping that they would come back again. There are points in my life where I just regret, and regret. There are so many things that I have not done but want to do. There are so many things that I want to say, but have not said. I have not lived my life to the fullest.
I guess that this 2012 has taught me to live each day as if it were my last. To show more love, care and concern to the people around me. To grab hold of all opportunities and live life with no regrets. And, to follow my heart wherever I go.
On the side note, I have always wanted to come up with a cool way to spell my name, so that is it special (at least to me). So ... Here it is! It is the newest hit of the season!
Coool uhhh! The one and only.