I just realised that it has been a very very very very long time ago since I last touched my blog. Well, five months isn't really that long, or is it? I'm not too sure about that, it's up to you to decide.
Of course, throughout these five months, many things happened in terms of family life, school, friendship and stuffs. Some of which are changes for the better, others are for the worst. I guess in this entry, I would like to touch on friendship.
You know, none of us can live without our friends. We need each other for support and encouragement, to be the pillar of strength for us when we are really down. When you are having a close relationship with your friends, quarrels and arguments are bound to happen, especially amongst girls. At times when we get too sensitive towards things, we will tend to feel that we are being left out in a group and such. But look on the brighter side of life, at least we're a clique and we're together. If you feel left out in a group, the least you could do is to try and join into the conversations that are being held and not stand alone, right?
I guess it has been a rocky path for me and my clique of girlfriends. DUUHHH. I'm not a lesbian. Girlfriends as in the group of friends that we usually hang out with. It has been an almost coming to three years of friendship for all of us. Throughout the three years that we have been together, we have had many happy moments, and of course, unhappy moments too. Each quarrel that we have had, it just a challenge for us to overcome together as one. If you didn't realise, our friendship gets stronger and stronger after every quarrel. One might think that quarrelling is childish and waste of time blah blah. But, look at the end result of every quarrel. We still get back together, closer than before.
This huge quarrel that we are facing now may mark the end of our friendship, but is that what you want to see of each and every one of us? Leading our own lives by ourselves? I do wish that we can find one day, to talk this through and we'll be BFsF onces again. ;D
I feel that I'm so so so so so matured! 我长大了!
NO! No one can disagree with my last paragraph!